Love stinks!
The way most people love each other is really odd. Women and Men are verbally and physically abusive to each other. Now I like I little spunk or attitude just as any man has their own preference to. On the other hand, when attitude turns to pots and pans, late night verbal assaults, and voices with decibels high enough to pierce the antique china, is just foolish.
People loving each other and the only way they can make up is sex. “NO”, I yell! This can’t possibly be love. I think this just keeps you in the stupor. This most definitely is not love that’s more like lust or some other foolishness. Let me back track for a second. In my marriage I will most definitely be having sex with my wife. This most definitely is not a bash against sex. I haven’t been fully delivered so I cannot bash anybody for doing the same things I do. I would then be hypocritical, I despise hypocrites. With that said, there is more to love than the physical or the feelings of sex.
Love is these questions. Does she kiss me when I know my breathe stinks? (Laughing at myself) Is my lover encouraging my dreams? Is my lover warning me of traps that are set for me? Am I willing to push her forward even if I have to hold back? Do I care enough about her feelings to not intentionally hurt them? I realize Love is a reciprocal feeling. I also think that Love is an attachment to the inner beauty of a person. The morning smile the person has. The drive you want your partner to have so that it syncs to yours. There is a vast number of more things that people know when true love is around.
Love is portrayed in such a negative light on many occasions that I am not sure that I even want it to come around me. I see on a daily basis men and women and women in several “committed” relationships at once. I’m personally too selfish and lazy to want anybody who is taken and to have more than one relationship. I know me and I am too bad with time management to have more than one relationship. See that’s something that my wife will either have to accept or pray to change. (Laughing) Ironically a part of me applauds those that have the time management skills to do it. See God Knew what he was doing by making my time management skills the way they are.
I know love to be a great and genuine emotion, when it’s on television. I think that what I want is what so many men quietly long for and refuse to yield to. I think that what I really need to do is seek God. I know love is praying for your partner when all the chips are down and flowing the right way. I think of love as Russian roulette a good portion time. Follow this theory. The gun is has one bullet and you spin the barrel and close it and fire. The first shot could be eternal love. It could also be a miss. Then you open the chamber or barrel and put another bullet in and shoot. The bullets are relationships that are either meaningful or wrong. NO relationship is detrimental if you learn and leave. So you are continuing to load your gun, you are shooting and your loading your gun with these bullets. The bullets are also lessons you have taken from the past. Then finally you pull the trigger and you are surrounded with what I would like to call Love Eternal!
Maybe it’s me or should I stop Loving?
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