I Don't Want To Lose It Because of My Character.

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

Character is a vast topic that has a broader definition than Africa is wide. Essentially for the thought here, character is how you act who you are when nobody is around. This is not limited to actions but, it is also the thoughts that are circulate in your mind!

Many people pray and ask God for things that they morally are not ready for. They practice hard and work out to be a professional. This person consistently is in trouble. The actions and thoughts counteract what the destiny is inteded to be. I truly believe out of the abundance does the heart speak. If I constantly tell myself tha I want to be a professional athlete I can not then go and do stuff that pushes makes backtrack from the goal.

Character includes ethical standards that are unwavering. Determination to not step on anther to get what is needed for you to get what you want. Character is how you act when adversity is nie. Do you run or do you stay for battle?

When you get to your destined place it is a fight to be there and to maintain your position. The position you hold is at risk by any little slip or tumble. God forbid a fall.

In professional sports and in the business world you view high ranking people compromising their position because of mistakes that could have been avoided or dealt with differently. I agree that trouble will come but their are ways to deal with all situations. The multitude of people just go the easy route and make unethical and character-less decisions that ultimately lose them their place. That they have worked hard for.

I propose this to you make sure that you are totally ready to fulfill your destiny before you ask for it. I know that mistakes will happen. Believe it or not your success is tied to someone else's. You overcoming adversity and maintaining your position is key in someone else's development.

"I don't want to go no place my character can't keep me" Pastor John F. Hannah.


Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

The best way to move on is to face the dilemma head on. This step is crucial to a successful future. While making the journey of life you trip and sometimes you stumble. The trick is to know where you want to go and keep moving towards it. The test is keeping your eyes focused forward and not look to the comfort of the past rest station.

The walking process is done by placing one foot in front of the other. This seems simple in context but its hard when you have stone after stone sometimes being thrown at your feet. In an effort to avoid those your feet get tangled and you inadvertently stumble or come crashing to the ground. If the vision is focused forward then you realize that you have no other choice but to get where you have to go. Many times you get stuck on that area of the journey. If your vision is focused forward your inner man tugs on you and tells the outer its time to move.

Knowing where your eyes are focused can become a challenge. Mirages of the final destination seem to appear rather frequently when you are on the verge of the destination. The mirage usually has a stone that you trip and fall on when you are diving to what you assume is a proper resting place on the way to your promise.

Just like a mirage you fail to find what the picture showed. These mirages are overcome by each persons own triumph and past failures. Your past is your greatest teacher. In football there is a block called "the cut" block. This block essentially takes the defensive players legs out so that he can not keep with his pursuit to the Quarterback or ball carrier.

The cut block can be defeated by keeping your eyes up, putting your hands down and your outside foot back to get around. This same thing can be done in life to get around those stones that are thrown at your feet while on the journey of life.

In essence be aware of your past so that you don't keep getting tripped up by the same mirage and stone. The way you look forward determines how far you look. I charge you to look forward and and keep moving and build your innerman so it is determined to move inspite of!

Just Start Walking!

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

In life people have good ideas that they look back on and say "I wish I had've done that.
I am a believer that when you want to do something, the only action to take is to DO! The only way to be happy about life is to take control of it and be a doer. In Christian Life we Christians have to Reach out to God and he will help. The point to that is to reach. The. Doer reaches and gets help.

In every day life all people come across simple tasks that we discount. Those simple tasks eventually amount to much if let mount. For example if you leave dishes in the sink for too long two things can happen. You acquire more dishes and the grease becomes harder to clean.
This is simply a push for you to go forth, become and Do! The road seems less daunting once you start the path.

I saw the way she looked at you!

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

The good words of many women go unnoticed so often. Concerns of the soul go unfostered. We as men parish because we don't listen to what is really needed. I know that a lot of men try very hard to undrrstand but sometimes it is the lack of proper communication that leads to a miscommunication and lack correct hearing.

The road to perfect hearing is paved crater and valleys. The way we men most time hear things is the total oppossite of what was actually said. A good portion of the time we were not even paying attention. Men are not always to blame for downfalls in the relationships. We dont always get a the understanding the woman wants us to have.

The new way to communicate is to clearly deliver what you want the person to know. This is meant to explicitly and with no ambiguity tell me what you want me to know! I cant read the minds of every woman that walks past me. Neither can a lot of men who are normally considered human.

So I charge you to reach the ear of the masses clearly and do it by making sure they know exactly what you want them to know.

How do you express it clearly?

Stop The Madness

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

Congratulating people will always open the door for your success to come forward. Many times doors are closed to success because we are so negative. Many times we delve into the deep end over what we do not have. This allows us to neglect what we have and not realize we must be thankful for it. In order for your destiny to fully manifest you have to be willing and open to accept that its not yet your turn and be ready for your turn.

I see success all around me, in my closest acquaintances and in my family but i have to know that we do not have the goals. Also, we do not have the same promises that have been giving to us. This does not by a long shot mean that we must feel melancholy or accept that your dream has not come true. This just means be prepared for the dream to happen.

I am true a believer that you need to be aware of your character. You can easily get the dream. The character is what keeps you able to make it work. "Don't let your gift take you somewhere, where your character can not keep you" as spoken by Pastor John F. Hannah.

Make sure you are totally prepared for te dream to happen!!

She said She Don't Want a Dark Skin Baby

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

The Light Skin Theory

So Caucasian people tan to get darker and darker African Americans tend to bleach their skin to become lighter. This alarming trend was brought to my attention by watching a show that I despise because I believe that the person is not genuine.

These women in particular, came on television and shared their beliefs and felt that it was cool to want lighter skin and that is why they bleach theirs. What is more absurd about this is they bleach their children’s skin along with theirs. The stereotype of lighter being better is a problem I have had to overcome throughout my existence. I know several women and men who subconsciously settle because they want a stereotypical beautiful lover. Now as far as my background goes, I am one of those guys who look for what I want to love, with my eyes. Shallow as I appear to be to some people, I am not against dating darker women. Now on the other side of the spectrum there are people who do not even look at darker skinned people because they feel they are “disgusting”. This is interestingly weird to me because they are of midnight complexion themselves. Liking lighter skinned women was a cover for me because I was not happy with me because a lot of girls passed on me not because I was not the stereotypical lighter toned guy. I was “too dark”!

I am guilty of being attracted to lighter toned women with long hair that are shapely. I personally think if she is lighter than me, she is light skinned (To justify my position, laughing). But personally, I have a heavy attraction to women and no matter what complexion they are, I look for features on them that are attractive to me and then that makes me become drawn to them. There probably are men who think the same way as these particular women I watched!

One way to look at this problem is through the psychological debate of nature v. Nurture. Nurture is the parenting at home and the surrounding family structure. Nature is the outside world. In most cases these women are blaming this issue on nurture ironically. Their parents believed this so they do as well. Parents told them that light skin was better and this opens the flood gates for them to believe such buffoonery.

This is a problem because being darker should not reach the level of disgust that it makes one bleach their skin to be lighter. I am personally happy to be of midnight complexion. I had to learn to be happy with me and what my appearance is. Being happy with me came not from outside people but a strong love for myself and my mother loving me. My mother is a shapely caramel toned woman with hair that grows at the snap of a finger and it is very thick. This is where I get my prototype of a woman from. I want my wife to be like my mother in some way, especially with her hair. My father is a deep brown colored man and his mother is closely darker than him. I would be disgracing my lineage if I ever said I do not want to ever date a darker woman.

In many cases these women have been so conditioned to their beliefs that their mind begins to let them see on an abnormal basis that their stereotypes are true.

Im going to Run as Long as I Can

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

Love stinks!

The way most people love each other is really odd. Women and Men are verbally and physically abusive to each other. Now I like I little spunk or attitude just as any man has their own preference to. On the other hand, when attitude turns to pots and pans, late night verbal assaults, and voices with decibels high enough to pierce the antique china, is just foolish.

People loving each other and the only way they can make up is sex. “NO”, I yell! This can’t possibly be love. I think this just keeps you in the stupor. This most definitely is not love that’s more like lust or some other foolishness. Let me back track for a second. In my marriage I will most definitely be having sex with my wife. This most definitely is not a bash against sex. I haven’t been fully delivered so I cannot bash anybody for doing the same things I do. I would then be hypocritical, I despise hypocrites. With that said, there is more to love than the physical or the feelings of sex.

Love is these questions. Does she kiss me when I know my breathe stinks? (Laughing at myself) Is my lover encouraging my dreams? Is my lover warning me of traps that are set for me? Am I willing to push her forward even if I have to hold back? Do I care enough about her feelings to not intentionally hurt them? I realize Love is a reciprocal feeling. I also think that Love is an attachment to the inner beauty of a person. The morning smile the person has. The drive you want your partner to have so that it syncs to yours. There is a vast number of more things that people know when true love is around.

Love is portrayed in such a negative light on many occasions that I am not sure that I even want it to come around me. I see on a daily basis men and women and women in several “committed” relationships at once. I’m personally too selfish and lazy to want anybody who is taken and to have more than one relationship. I know me and I am too bad with time management to have more than one relationship. See that’s something that my wife will either have to accept or pray to change. (Laughing) Ironically a part of me applauds those that have the time management skills to do it. See God Knew what he was doing by making my time management skills the way they are.

I know love to be a great and genuine emotion, when it’s on television. I think that what I want is what so many men quietly long for and refuse to yield to. I think that what I really need to do is seek God. I know love is praying for your partner when all the chips are down and flowing the right way. I think of love as Russian roulette a good portion time. Follow this theory. The gun is has one bullet and you spin the barrel and close it and fire. The first shot could be eternal love. It could also be a miss. Then you open the chamber or barrel and put another bullet in and shoot. The bullets are relationships that are either meaningful or wrong. NO relationship is detrimental if you learn and leave. So you are continuing to load your gun, you are shooting and your loading your gun with these bullets. The bullets are also lessons you have taken from the past. Then finally you pull the trigger and you are surrounded with what I would like to call Love Eternal!

Maybe it’s me or should I stop Loving?

Would You Just Shut Up and Listen To Me!

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

This is possibly going to be my only title that is a true description of what I'm going to talk about.

In recent conversations I have been asked to listen and let the other person speak. This is not a good trait to have. Only because I might miss someone telling me that they a large lump sum for me. Also, a lack of listening skills is running rampant like Adrian Peterson over his oppoents. I have realized that there is a wealth of vital information that is to be grasped. Throughout life the information comes to us in many forms whether in a pamphlets or from the mouth of babes. Americans as a whole do not listen because if we did there would be less children being born with AIDS, less underage mothers and dead beat fathers.

I don't always practice the art of listening because I generally feel that my view is right. In business listening is a key fundamental because you can win over clients because you know exactly what they want. How many people say to themselves “if I would have listened to my mama I wouldn’t be here”!

What is some advice you wish you had listened to?

The New Shallow

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

I like the new stuff. New women, cars, shoes, and clothing! I only date light skin girls who have bodies like models. I'm top of the line with every thing. If I don't get it the first day it comes out I don't want it.

I have always for some reason wanted to be this guy. In a society filled with fads and rap, youth yearn to be these high paid figures who spend incessantly on unnecessary items. I am one of the youth that this affected. The dope boys were the guys I saw with the success and I liked how they looked. I was not one to mimic them but they were cool. I liked the way they dressed and the way they spoke to women, Especially.

I propose The New Shallow be one that is cool for kids to get degrees and Shop at Old Navy. The New Shallow should be one where video Girls are plus sized.

This new shallow is not one that will happen on television. This new shallow is going to be comprehended with grammatical references seen on computer screens and paper. This new shallow is going to be how fast quotes of Dyson and Plato flow from the mouth of babes.

The new shallow will not take place with spinning rims on a five hundred dollar car but on the step of a institution of learning. No, not the building adorned in marble fixtures and doors. The place called Everywhere will house this shallow. Places all over the globe will experience this new shallow. Gratuity and selflessness is the new education. This education is apart of the new Shallow.

This new shallow will say "I want that person on my team of friends because they are essential to my future." This New Shallow will allow teachers to, well teach (laughing) the lessons in the equally supplied materials to all children, and Parents to, well Parent. This New Shallow takes place in judgment free Churches. God will be the new Cool and will be The New Shallow.

Being self absorbed and selfish is so past its prime and is out like gazelle frames on Teddy Riley. Maybe more past its prime like Deion Sanders when he played for the Ravens.

This New shallow is how high you will really be!

What does your new Shallow consist of?

Not all, Not so Many

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

Not all can open their lives and become transparent to the world. Not so many can accept another who is transparent. The Face of Hope: The Story of a Beloved Kneegrow Boy, is a story of triumph and transparency. Overcoming the short stint with HIV and self doubt has lead to this fresh and stirring story of the life of David D. Robertson.

The word that comes through this audio rendition of life is filled with common sense quotes to live life by. The words are transfixed in my thought after hearing them once. There are only few people who can bring every facet of their life to the understanding of the whole family.

The words are truly written for the uplifting of all. Through God all things are things are possible and that a hunger for him allows you to overcome is a central message that Robertson makes so plain.

Voices of angels cannot be as effective as this testimony. Through intonation, inflection and words that are so well chiseled to be as descriptive as Mount Rushmore these thoughts are deserving of the time spent listening. These segments of life are educationally relevant because: a parent can give life lesson to the child, the child will find hope, the child gives anticipation of a better future to the parent and the parent grasps the urgency to move.

The Face of hope is no-longer just that of a biracial President. It is now the face of David D. Robertson.

Dj ‘We Working’ Grayson

Misconceptions of the Neo-Revolutionary

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

I am sent to change to the world and how people look at it. I want to see the world as a glass that is clouded full of hate and rage. In my heart I can't. My eyes are being opened to this new fog that covers a lot of of the revolutionaries eyes.

I am fighting for change in administration that has done things the same way. I am writing for battle. I am tired of these Neo-revolutionaries who want to fight everything.every situation does not help or hurt the struggle.In a coversation I ,placed myself in like a bull in a china cabinet,this situation was brought up; don't perpetuate the stereotype of all black people looking alike by asking for my ID. I was not then able to dipute this point but now I have time. In college on both sides of every fence people use each others ID.

Example 1: aren't you that guys brother (this being said because we both have locs)

Example 2: you have a friends ID trying to get into a club.

These examples are vastly different. I do not feel that the example number is one to be offended for.

Example 1 is one that I will be mad about every time some one does no matter if they are black, white, cloud, proud,hefty, ashy, classy, nasty, preacher, sinner, mother, son or dirty. No he's not my brother.

Neo-revolutionary ger mad about someone spitting in your face. Not giving you the equal right to achieve. Expose corruptionn. Do away with the degredation of laws' make them use the law correctly. Make yourself a beaken that doesn't easily get offended and does not easily offend. Do what it takes to change the system. Do not comply with the status quo, yet be tactful and dilligent. Do not abuse the powers that be gradually. For example if you trying to torture a POW you slowly cut each finger off. In this case if you slowly cut each finger off the administration will take back the hand. So I propose this in one fell swoop you take the hand completely. This leaves no evidence of the hand yet the bleeding reminds the administration of the wrong it has done.

Maybe, just maybe we need to find a new way?

Does my way work?


Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

The new face of racism is not that of Bull Connor but, the face that is similar to yours and mine. This new face is not red with anger, when African-American people take a seat at lunch counters. This face is not always a face it is thoughts and actions. This new face is a New Danger. (Mos Def).

Wallowing in the deep abyss called "the new face of racism". This face is deceptive and can be misread. Be careful before throwing out the "R" word. I have misread this face numerous times and coming to the realization that it comes most often from pigmentation like mine.
Let me tease your thoughts for a second or few?
All people have bias whether it is unconscious or overt this is given through nurture of a child. Example, while walking down the street their is a group of unsavory characters in your path you work to avoid them. This a bias because your own discretion, makes them unsavory.
In a crowded room, groups of people are congregated socializing based on: age, similar interest, job orientation, status, and-dare I say it-color. This is not always a clear case of the new face but it can. The reason I added the last statement is because this was used as an example of evident racism. I beg you to let me yell "NO" as I would to a to a whale in a bikini.
This new face is shaped with common friendliness.

"Oh, how did your hair grow like that?"

"You look like, um, that rapper. Um, T-Pain."

"Why are those girls so loud ?"

"Why are you guys dancing like that?"

The metamorphosis of this face depends on your situation. The New face has eloquence and style that insults you.the insults are like dull daggers thrown at you, that are poisonous once they touch you. Personally I think the ingenuity is to be commended because it has adapted to change and weathered the storm of a Mixed President. an example of this inventiveness is filtering inner-city students your small school in the country to keep government funding. Luring them here with the false hopes and programs that do not exist to facilitate their crafts.

I have been grace from God Almighty to be the token kneegrow. "white folks love me, they just love me, Man"! Maybe I'm the next Barack Obama or Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois. (laughing at myself). I have not been granted the lxury of the overt experience of the old face of Racism. I sometimes so long for it, I chase it with eagerness and yearning as I do a pretty woman. I guess, I will have to settle for the events that are more literate, well spoken and common the "new face of Racism." Example, I drive an older model car that is box shaped. I get pulled over for random searches. You say "thats normal ", no it is not by whom you think would pull me over. I gets pulled over by the Kneegrows Officers in a predominately white neighborhood. Get this next question I was asked, "Where's your grill at?"

This Face is seen on college coaches who reall despise other races, but recruit them because,"hey, they pay the bills." This face is one the black Women make when they see a white woman and a black man together. This face is not actually a face but an inherent action to things that buck against the system or status quo. The Face is as melodic as Billie Holliday. As Colorful as Warhol or Basqiat. This face is more graceful than an Alvin Ailey Production.

Nobody is exempt from this face, many Kneegrows are uncoscious of the steretypes they put on people. African American internalize events and place those memories all people. If someone uses their freewill and decidesnot to talk you it is not always racism. I don't know just maybe they dont want to talk to you. (laughing).

Maybe, Just maybe, "the new face" is your face?

So I can Call You a "B*&#@" but I can’t call you a "N*$%^"

Posted by DjWe Working Grayson / Category:

In college warm and sunny days equal loitering of kneegrow folks. That’s the general stereotype. I fall into it and I happened to be loitering this particular 60 degree in the Midwest. In a crowd of the limited minorities on my campus I was scolded by a professor for saying the word the five to six letter word-depending on the spelling-that kneegrows call each other. I was a little offended by her scolding me to say the least. I took offense, not to her obvious disgust of the word but to her ignorance of the other foul language that came out of my mouth and the others. This is the basis for the article. I simply have the thought that it is a waste of precious to formulate an argument against that one word when there are equally offensive words being said.

I believe that in that case the teacher should have taken offense to all foul language that was said to totally rectify the situation of the word not being used. I think that people get so bound by words. My mother tells me “It’s not what they call you, its what you answer to!” In thinking on this situation I cannot help but to think why did she ignore the other obscenities. I have an answer. She just wanted to be a part of the conversation. She was feeling a little left out sitting forty feet away from the group.

I once heard a poem that gave the history and explained the negativity of the “N” word. Later that night I ran across the same author calling her associates a “B”. This to me is a little odd. In the event this word is uttered partly from my lips I am shunned by young ladies. I think this is flawed and irrational. To excuse one swear and not the other is ludicrous to me. This for me is the equivalent to excusing someone drug dealing and getting mad they stole a car. This is also comparable to not being troubled by foul language but If I say “in the name of Jesus”! “No”, I yell as emphatically as I would a call on the field! This injustice must cease.

I propose these solutions to the problem at hand.

1. Every person be able to use the words they want

2. Be equally disgusted in every word that is uttered from my mouth

3. Mind your own Business!

4. Allow men to use “B” with out interruption if it is warranted.

So what is it going to be?

Let me know what the deal is?